Pastor 'Boy' Saycon turns over ‘corruption’ proof to Aguirre

Council for Philippine Affairs secretary-general Pastor "Boy" Saycon turned over evidence of corruption of the previous administration to Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II. Bolando, File photo

MANILA, Philippines — Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II on Wednesday confirmed that he and the Council for Philippine Affairs (COPA) secretary-general Pastor "Boy" Saycon met.

According to Aguirre, Saycon had a meeting with him to turn over several documents which would prove anomalies of the previous administration.

“Dati binanggit [na niya] ngayon niya lang tinurnover,” Aguirre said in a recorded ambush interview.

Asked what evidence the civic leader shared, Aguirre refused to specify but mentioned that it include supposed proofs of corruption.

“Madami. Mayroong gambling, mayroon ding sa contributions sa candidates na ‘di dineklara. Marami marami,” Aguirre said.

Aguirre said it involved the Philippine Amusements and Gaming Corporation (Pagcor) and the Cagayan Economic Zone Authority. Based on its website, CEZA previously “created an avenue for Internet gaming in the Philippines that is independent from any other government agency or authority including Pagcor.”

The justice secretary also declined to disclose the personalities involved in the documents but only provided hints.

“Pinakamataaas na mga opisyales,” he said.

Aguirre said he has yet to study the evidence as there are many documents provided while gesturing piles of it.

In May 2016, Saycon claimed the Liberal Party committed cheating during the May 9 elections. He became controversial in the early 2000s and was accused of becoming a jueteng bagman of the Estrada and Arroyo administrations.

Accompanied by civic leader Boy Saycon, 3 IT experts claim Liberal Party behind cheating last May 9.

— christina mendez (@xtinamen) May 30, 2016

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