AFP launches offensive against top Abu Sayyaf leader

Army troopers in an offensive against the Abu Sayyaf.
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MANILA, Philippines -- The Philippine military chief says troops have launched airstrikes and ground assaults against one of Southeast Asia's most-wanted terror suspects who is trying to establish a new base for an alliance of armed groups backing the Islamic State group.

Gen. Eduardo Año, Armed Forces of the Philippines chief of staff, says airstrikes targeted the group of elusive militant leader Isnilon Hapilon on Wednesday and Thursday. Hundreds of troops began pursuing him and allied militants in the mountainous hinterlands of Butig town in southern Lanao del Sur province.

Año said Friday that Hapilon, who is on the US Department of Justice list of most-wanted terrorists, moved to Butig from his stronghold on southern Basilan island a month ago to look for a base for his new alliance of small extremist groups.

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