Duterte hopes for peaceful Christmas in Mindanao

The President expressed hope that the federal system, which his administration is pushing, could bring the elusive peace as it would allow the states a “higher form” of autonomy. STAR/File photo

ANGELES CITY, Philippines – President Duterte has expressed hope for a peaceful Christmas in the country, especially in Mindanao as he lamented that peace remains elusive in the region.

Speaking at the awards night for the 9th Belenismo sa Tarlac on Sunday, the President said that the country will never attain peace unless the island attains a “just and lasting peace.”

“Mindanao has always been a land of violence. And sadly, it’s the most troubled land in the Philippines. There are few skirmishes here and there. And you can see it in Jolo,” the President said at the awarding rites of the belen (Nativity scene) contest at Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac on Sunday.

“We are aching for peace. That was why I went out of my way to initiate talks with everybody who was at war with government,” he added, referring to the talks between the government and rebel groups Communist Party of the Philippines/National Democratic Front/New People’s Army, Moro Islamic Liberation Front and Moro National Liberation Front.

As the third round of peace talks begins in Rome next month, Duterte hopes that both parties will be able to forge a final peace agreement.

“Look, we have been fighting for 45 years. You add another five and it would be 50 years of insurgency. Wala naman tayong nakuha (We did not achieve anything) except the lives lost,” he said.

The President expressed hope that the federal system, which his administration is pushing, could bring the elusive peace as it would allow the states a “higher form” of autonomy. – With Edith Regalado

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