Incoming DA chief preparing for La Niña

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines – Incoming agriculture secretary Emmanuel Piñol yesterday said he is preparing mitigating measures to cushion the effects of the expected La Niña phenomenon.

The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) earlier said La Niña is expected to occur in the second half of the year.

Piñol said the administration of president-elect Rodrigo Duterte does not want to be caught flat-footed like what happened during the onslaught of El Niño, which caused a dry spell in several areas of the country since last year.

Piñol said the government committed lapses in planning, which is why there were severe effects of the dry spell, including hunger. 

Piñol, who had been briefed by PAGASA officials about the impending La Niña, said he is about to draft plans that would focus on food production.

He said they would coordinate closely with the Department of Social Welfare and Development to provide food and cash assistance to farmers and fisher folk who would be affected by the weather phenomenon.

Affordable food

Piñol said he was instructed by Duterte to make sure that food would always be available and affordable during his term.

Apart from the affordable food program, Duterte also told him to rid the Department of Agriculture of corruption, Piñol said.

“Under the national food positioning strategy of the (incoming) president, any excess produce in one area would be brought to other regions where it is needed,” he said.

He cited the island provinces of Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi which have abundant supply of fish and other marine products but fisherfolk have no means to deliver them to bigger markets.

Piñol said he intends to meet with town mayors for the establishment of a cold storage or regional food terminal where fishermen could directly deliver and sell their catch instead of relying on middlemen.

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