Enrile dares Noy to debate on Mamasapano

If the President won’t man up to the challenge, Senate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile said his alter-egos, like presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda, Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma, Undersecretary Abigail Valte and Undersecretary Manuel Quezon III, can substitute for him. File photo/Robert Vinas/Malacañang Photo Bureau

MANILA, Philippines – Senate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile challenged President Aquino and his allies yesterday to a public debate on the Mamasapano incident as he accused the Chief Executive of consenting to Operation Plan: Exodus that led to the deaths of 44 police Special Action Force commandos in Maguindanao on Jan. 25 last year.

“Again, I say to all of you listening now, whoever you may be, even if you’re the president of the Philippines, down to the lowest strata of society, all of you, if you wish to debate the Mamasapano case, just tell me when, and I’ll debate with you – especially if you’re the President,” Enrile said in Filipino.

If the President won’t man up to the challenge, Enrile said his alter-egos, like presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda, Communications Secretary Herminio Coloma, Undersecretary Abigail Valte and Undersecretary Manuel Quezon III, can substitute for him.

Enrile made the challenge as Aquino and his men belittled his grilling last Jan. 27, where every Cabinet official, police and military general present disputed his claims.

“All of what they’re saying are blind excuses. People understand what really happened, they can no longer fool the people, period,” Enrile said.

Disputing criticisms that he merely retold the incidents during the reopening of inquiry, Enrile maintained he has laid down the predicate in possible criminal charges that might be filed against the President when he steps down in June.

He also refuted the findings of the Senate committee on public order and dangerous drugs chaired by Sen. Grace Poe that Aquino was “ultimately responsible” for the incident.

“Those are conclusions. Why do you say that, what is the basis? Please ask Grace Poe, what was your basis when you made the President responsible? What are the facts? My God, in criminal law, you deal with facts not conclusions. If they don’t know that, I am sorry for her and for this country,” Enrile stressed.

He reiterated that Aquino “compartmented” the covert operations, thus making him accountable for his “inactions” that led to the “slaughter” of the so-called SAF 44.

“He is the sole approving authority. He is at the top, his orders go down to (then police chief Alan) Purisima and Purisima throws these to the field. Those at the field will throw it back to Purisima and back to Aquino,” Enrile explained in Filipino.

As the “supreme commander of the nation,” Aquino should have ordered his men to rescue the SAF troopers, the senator said.

“My God, what kind of commander is that? If this is a war, the country will be in trouble because of that man,” he said, describing the President as “tanga” (stupid) for “compartmenting” the covert operations.

All the blame, he added, should be put on the President and Purisima for allowing an “inefficient” (ground commander Getulio) Napeñas to lead the implementation of Oplan Exodus, which was hatched to neutralize international terrorist Zulkifli bin Hir alias Marwan, Basit Usman and a third target.

Only Marwan was neutralized during the controversial operation, while Usman was later killed in another encounter.

Enrile said he is ready to help Napeñas, who is being used as a “sacrificial lamb for the inefficiencies of President Aquino and former police chief Director General Alan Purisima,” who was forced to resign because of the controversy amid corruption charges.

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