New UN plan vs extremism seeks global help

MANILA, Philippines – The new UN action plan seeking to prevent the spread of violent extremism calls for a comprehensive approach that includes not only essential security-based counterterrorism measures, but also systematic steps to stop individuals from joining extremist groups.

The new strategy, called the Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism, appeals for concerted action of the international community and cites critical elements for its success including good governance, rule of law, political participation, quality education and decent jobs, and respect for human rights.

It provides member-states and the UN system with more than 70 recommendations to prevent the spread of violent extremism.

The recommendations were based on five interrelated points: putting prevention first, principled leadership and effective institutions, joint promotion of prevention and human rights, “all of government approaches” and UN engagement.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said violent extremism is a direct assault on the UN Charter and a grave threat to international peace and security.

He said the threat of violent extremism is not limited to any religion, nationality or ethnic group, while noting a majority of its victims worldwide are Muslims.

Developed through an extensive UN inter-agency process and based on the outcome of the meetings of the General Assembly and Security Council, the UN chief described the plan as an “urgent call to unity and action.”

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