Noy won’t pass on problems to next admin

MANILA, Philippines – President Aquino on Friday maintained that he would not pass on problems to the next administration despite a backlash following his decisions.

“Whatever reaction, no matter how heavy the criticisms we will receive for difficult decisions, we are bravely fulfilling the promise to serve our bosses, the Filipino nation, honestly,” Aquino said during the signing of contracts for the bulk water supply project in Malolos, Bulacan.

The President is being criticized for vetoing the bill seeking to increase pension of Social Security System (SSS) retirees by P2,000 a  month. 

Aquino defended his decision, saying the bill could lead the SSS to bankruptcy because the increase was not proportionate to what the fund was making from the collection of members’ contributions and investments.

The President said he inherited too many problems when he assumed office and would not want whoever would succeed him to experience the same.

He cited as example the water sector that used to be run by 30 agencies and had to be put under one czar, Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson.

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