AFP: No credible threat in Philippines

“We have not received any report pertaining to the presence of IS or their legitimate sympathizers in the Philippines. There is no authentic link or relationship between the IS and the Abu Sayyaf in Mindanao,” said Col. Noel Detoyato, AFP Public Affairs Office chief.

MANILA, Philippines – Government security forces have not monitored any threat from terror groups, and there is no official report linking the Abu Sayyaf to the extremist Islamic State, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said yesterday.

“But despite this, we call on citizens of the Philippines to be vigilant and watchful against terrorism and terror attacks,” AFP spokesman Col. Restituto Padilla said.

Padilla issued the statement following the global scare over the terror attacks in Paris and Mali that were attributed to the Islamic State (IS).

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda earlier warned Filipinos to avoid crowded places due to the threat.

In the just concluded ASEAN Summit in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak denounced the Abu Sayyaf for beheading one of their two Malaysian captives in Sulu last week, saying the bandit group has aligned itself with the IS.

“We have not received any report pertaining to the presence of IS or their legitimate sympathizers in the Philippines. There is no authentic link or relationship between the IS and the Abu Sayyaf in Mindanao,” said Col. Noel Detoyato, AFP Public Affairs Office chief.

Detoyato also gave assurance that the government’s entire security apparatus is on top of the security situation in the country.

“Our ground commanders are at the ready to quell any attack in the future from these threat elements to ensure peace and security in our communities,” he said.

President Aquino has ordered the AFP and the Philippine National Police to intensify operations against the Abu Sayyaf following the beheading of a Malaysian by the bandit group.

AFP chief Gen. Hernando Iriberri ordered the troops to coordinate with the PNP in their offensives with the Abu Sayyaf.


Detoyato also announced that the military has awarded a total of P22.5 million to nine informants who helped security forces track down wanted terrorists and communist rebels.

Detoyato said the tipsters were instrumental in the capture or killing of two communist New People’s Army (NPA) leaders, three Abu Sayyaf sub-leaders and four of their cohorts. – Alexis Romero, Evelyn Macairan

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