Hired gun eyed in slay of anti-PDAF activist

Quintin Paredes San Diego. STAR/File Photo

MANILA, Philippines - A close associate of slain anti-pork barrel activist Quintin Paredes San Diego believes that a professional hit man gunned down the victim in Dingalan, Aurora last Saturday afternoon.

Citing an unofficial report from an officer on the ground, senatorial candidate Greco Belgica yesterday said the suspect is “definitely a hired killer.”

Belgica said a political enemy of San Diego who was affected by the victim’s anti-dynasty and anti-corruption advocacies, could have masterminded the killing.

He belied earlier reports that members of the communist New People’s Army killed the victim.

Belgica and San Diego are co-petitioners in a case that resulted in the Supreme Court ruling that the pork barrel or Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) of lawmakers is unconstitutional.

The two were also petitioners in another SC petition against the Aquino administration’s Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP).

“I mourn the loss of my friend and co-petitioner, a brave fighter and a true friend,” said Belgica. “If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone of us. Justice for San Diego is justice for freedom and for all Filipinos.”

Belgica said they would not stop until the perpetrators of the killing are arrested and brought to justice.

San Diego, the founding chairman and first nominee of Movement Against Dynasty (MAD), was shot dead at his resort in Dingalan, Aurora at 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 7.

Police said San Diego had just met with his workers and was walking back to his cottage when the incident happened.

Diego Magpantay of the Citizens Crime Watch, also the second nominee of MAD, said they immediately went to the crime scene to provide assistance to investigators.

He earlier told The STAR that politics could have been a motive behind the killing of San Diego. He did not provide details so as not to interfere in the investigation.

Magpantay said San Diego’s wake would be held at the Loyola Memorial Chapels in Guadalupe, Makati City.


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