Lawyer challenges Grace Poe's candidacy

Lawyer Estrella Elamparo shows members of the media the petition for disqualification of Sen. Grace Poe from the presidential race on Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. / Rosette Adel

MANILA, Philippines (UPDATED 2:13 p.m.) — A day after Sen. Grace Poe filed her candidacy for president, a lawyer on Friday filed a petition before the Commission on Elections to have it invalidated.

Lawyer Estrella "Star" Elamparo, a registered voter from Makati City, said she took a personal initiative to file the petition that could disqualify Poe from the presidential race.

In the petition, Elamparo said she is "bringing her capacity as a lawyer dedicated to the rule of law to ensure that only those who meet the qualifications for public office will be able to present him or herself to the electorate as among the body choices."

Copy of the petition filed before the Commission on Elections on Friday, Oct. 16, 2015 against the presidential candidacy of Sen. Grace Poe. / Efigenio Toledo IV

"It can lead to [Poe's] disqualification," Elamparo said.

The lawyer submitted the petition dated Oct. 16, 2015 to consider the time requirement for petitions to deny candidacy certificates. Petitions must be filed within five days from the filing of candidacy before Comelec.

Elamparo said the filing of petition was already planned prior to Poe's filing of her candidacy documents.

'Evil plans'

Poe's lawyer, George Garcia, said his camp has prepared for the possibility of new disqualification cases such as that filed by Elamparo.

"We totally expected and prepared for it. We know who are the people behind this and their evil plans," Garcia said in a statement on Friday.

Sen. Grace Poe on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2015 submits her certificate of candidacy for president at the Commission on Elections office in Intramuros, Manila. / Jonathan Asuncion

He said Poe is expecting more attempts to have her kicked out of the presidential derby in 2016.

"We will fight them to the end, armed only with the law, reason and the truth," Garcia added. — with reports from Camille Diola

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