MNLF seeks halt to military offensive

Unidentified gunmen initially suspected to be Abu Sayyaf militants kidnapped three foreigners and a Filipina. photo

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines - The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) faction in Sulu called on the military to halt its operations, allowing them to contact and negotiate with the Abu Sayyaf group for the safe release of the four captives taken from Samal Island resort.

Habib Mujahab Hashim, chair of the MNLF’s Islamic Command Council (ICC), said the MNLF faction on the ground was initiating efforts to establish contact with the Abu Sayyaf group in the area.

The victims Canadians John Ridsdel and Robert Hall, Norwegian Kjartan Sekkingstad and Hall’s Filipino partner, Marites Flor, were abducted on Monday at a resort on Samal Island off Davao City. Authorities initially suspected the Abu Sayyaf militants were behind the kidnapping.

Hashim said all indications showed the kidnap victims are being held in Sulu according to their comrades on the ground. 

About 200 Abu Sayyaf militants coming from the composite groups of Radullan Sahiron, Yaser Igasan, and Hatib Hajan Sawajaan allegedly guard the victims. Hostages were reported being moved around the vicinity of the adjoining towns of Indanan, Talipao and Omar to avoid military contact.

The MNLF official said he believe that the Abu Sayyaf group is already aware of the plan negotiation, citing some MNLF members are known to have relatives among Abu Sayyaf militants.

“I think so (they know MNLF’s intention to contact) kasi magkakamag-anak lang naman yan eh,” Hashim said.

The MNLF leader said he was worried the ongoing military operation might prevent their negotiation for the safe release of the victims. 

“That’s why I informally requested to halt temporary the military operation to give way to the possible negotiation and hopefully it will lead the possible release of the hostages,” Hashim said.

He said he was also concerned of the possible encounter between the MNLF and the military since the MNLF forces were also just within the area of operation.

Meanwhile, Hashim said they were also aware of the possible encounter between the MNLF forces and the Abu Sayyaf group once they launch rescue attempt.

Hashim cited the February 2013 incident when the group of MNLF leader encountered the Abu Sayyaf group while trying to rescue Jordanian journalist Baker Atyani.

The MNLF under Malik suffered a score of fatalities against undetermined casualty figure from the Abu Sayyaf group during the encounter.

Atyani, who was abducted in June 2012 while trying to interview the Abu Sayyaf group, was released after 18 months in captivity by armed militants. 

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