House OKs bill raising age bracket, banning dynasties for SK

MANILA, Philippines - The House of Representatives has approved on second reading a measure seeking to raise the age limit of eligible voters in the Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) system.

Under the bill, the eligible age bracket for youth running for SK offices will be raised to 18 to 21 years old – from 15 to 17 years old – while the age bracket of SK voters will likewise be expanded to 15 to 21 years.

The measure also includes an anti-dynasty provision requiring that an SK official “must not have any relative in elective public office within the second degree of affinity or consanguinity.”

The bill also proposed that elected SK officials should be required to undergo leadership training and seminars on program development.

Akbayan party-list Rep. Barry Gutierrez, one of the authors of the bill, said the measure aims to result in “a stronger and more effective youth representation and participation in our democratic processes.”

Gutierrez said by increasing the age bracket for elective SK posts, the level of accountability among SK officials is heightened as they would now be old enough to face any charges of wrongdoing.

“This is a significant step in the right direction to weed out partisan politics and the inherent weaknesses of the old SK system by ensuring that the elected leaders are effective in representing the interests of the youth sector,” Gutierrez said.

“We are particularly proud of this version which was developed in close coordination and consultation with various youth groups, young students, leaders and individuals,” he said.

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