PNoy to look into complaints vs Customs' balikbayan box inspection

The Palace said President Benigno Aquino III will look into the complaints received by the Bureau of Customs over the new directive to open and inspect balikbayan boxes.

MANILA, Philippines – The Palace on Sunday assured that President Benigno Aquino III will look into the feedback and complaints received by the Bureau of Customs (BOC) regarding its new regulation to randomly inspect balikbayan boxes.

”We have received a lot of open letter and messages through Facebook, e-mails. We’re collecting these and we’ll make sure these will be given to President Aquino,” Deputy Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte said in a Radyo ng Bayan interview.

”We will make sure also that their complaints will be forwarded to Customer commissioner Bert Lina,” Valte added.

The Palace official thanked the overseas Filipino workers who responded to the BOC’s new measure on packages. She personally assured that the feedbacks and complaints will reach the president.

Valte urges the public to continue sending their feedback so the Customs will know their concerns about the new regulation.

”If you have feedbacks about this new regulation of the BOC, just send them. Our government has a lot of accounts on the social media. The President has Twitter account, Official Gazette. Just continue sending,” Valte said.

In a bid to curb smuggling, the BOC last week warned the OFWs not to abuse their balikbayan privileges which allow them to send gifts or “pasalubong” worth USD 500 only in value and ordered random opening of boxes.

This drew flak from OFWs, solons and other citizens worried of their valuables.

Valte clarified that BOC’s new regulation aimed not to single out the OFWs.

RELATED: Customs chief responds to OFW’s plea not open balikbayan boxes

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