Sandigan grants Jinggoy medical furlough

MANILA, Philippines - Detained Sen. Jinggoy Estrada was allowed yesterday to undergo medical examinations at the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in San Juan.

The resolution of the Sandiganbayan Fifth Division  was released yesterday afternoon.

It was signed by chairman Roland Jurado and Associate Justices Alexander Gesmundo and Ma. Theresa Dolores Gomez-Estoesta.

“For humanitarian considerations, the motion is granted over the objection of the prosecution,” read the resolution.

In the resolution, the anti-graft court ordered the Philippine National Police (PNP) to bring Estrada to the Cardinal Santos Medical Center for a complete medical checkup starting 10 p.m. yesterday up to 5 p.m. tomorrow.

PNP chief Director-General Ricardo Marquez was also ordered to provide adequate personal escorts and security during Estrada’s visit to the hospital.

Estrada will shoulder all expenses to be incurred in securing him while en route to the hospital, according the Fifth Division.

Police was told that Estrada was not to be brought to any hospital other than Cardinal Santos, and that he should be taken there not earlier than 10 p.m. yesterday.

Estrada’s and his companions’ use of communication and electronic gadgets like mobile phones shall be under the control and supervision of the police, the Sandiganbayan said.

Media are also prohibited from conducting interviews.

Jinggoy’s dollar accounts not in SALN

Estrada has not included his dollar time deposits in his statement of assets, liabilities and net worth (SALN), the Sandiganbayan told yesterday.

The dollar time deposits in Chinabank are not included, prosecutors said in the hearing, citing a report from the Anti-Money Laundering Council (AMLC).

“Said time deposit was placed in September 2008 and was rolled over several times until it was closed in May 2010 with closure amount of $289,089.48 or P13.428 million.”

The rate of under-declaration of cash in SALN would increase 835.9 percent and 831.5 percent for the years 2008 and 2009, prosecutors said.

“Said dollar time deposit has not been declared as investment by Senator Estrada in the investment item in the SALN either in 2008 or 2009.” – With Michael Punongbayan

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