Walong Filipina: Tribute to the weaver

MANILA, Philippines - This year, WALONG FILIPINA: ALAY SA MANGHAHABI (TRIBUTE TO THE WEAVER) features a collaborative art project between four visual artists and four weavers. Held annually, Walong Filipina celebrates the lives and works of Filipinas through the exploration of various themes and issues close to the heart of the woman. Presented to you by LIONGOREN GALLERY in cooperation with HABI the Philippine Textile Council, this year’s show marks the gallery’s first art exhibit which focuses on handloom Philippine weaves.

Featured works will be by UP Fine Arts faculty member and painter Ninel Constantino with Tingguian retired school teacher and weaver Norma Agaid Mina from Peñarubia, Abra, renowned visual artist Joy Mallari with Kalinga weaver-entrepreneur Irene Bawer Bimuyag from Kalinga, Apayao, graphic designer and needle crafter Gabie Osorio with Bangar, La Union master weaver Flordelita Guileb, and crochet wizard Aze Ong with co-founder of Rurungan sa Tubod Foundation and warrior-weaver Adelaida Lim of Baguio City.

The Art Studies class of University of the Philippines Professor Flaudette May Datuin consisting of Lex Abdon, Pau Bullanday, Catherine Esteban, Emmanuelle Ramos, Joyce Tagunicar, Frank Trazo, Bianca Urrutia, and Joanne Villanueva, are providing curatorial assistance for the whole exhibition. Nooks Manufacturing International Corp., the first producer of Piña yarn which comes from hand scraped pineapple fiber and hand-picked cotton is also providing invaluable help to the project. The exhibit is also with support from the National Commission for Culture and the Arts.

The exhibition will open on March 28, 2015 at 4 PM and run until April 28, 2015. Liongoren Gallery is at 111 New York Ave., Cubao, Quezon City. Mondays to Saturdays. For more information, contact us at 964-3496 and 912-4319 or visit our website at liongorengallery.com.

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