5 PSALM execs face graft raps


MANILA, Philippines — Five officials of the Power Sector Asset and Liabilities Management (PSALM) are facing graft charges before the Sandiganbayan for granting a contract to a disqualified bidder in the sale and disposal of waste oil worth more than P35 million in 2012.

According to the Office of the Ombudsman, which filed the case before the anti-graft court, PSALM officials violated Section 3(e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

Indicted were Rico Vadellon, manager of the Asset Operations Monitoring and Maintenance Department (AOMMD); Lorenzo Jacinto, manager of the Asset Valuation Department; Jacinto Ilagan, division manager of the AOMMD; Don Thed Ramirez, manager of the Financial Valuation and Tariff Division; and PSALM lawyer Renato Vehenente.

The five accused were members of the PSALM Bids and Awards Committee on Disposal of Waste Oil (PSALM-BAC Disposal), according to Graft Investigator and Prosecution Officer II Joseph Menzon.

In 2012, the PSALM-BAC Disposal awarded the sale and disposal of waste oil amounting to P35,008,888.80 at the Sucat Thermal Power Plant to the joint venture of Genetron International Co., Atomillion Corp. and Safeco Environment Services Inc.

But the joint venture was found to be a disqualified bidder in the project.

Menzon said the PSALM-BAC Disposal gave undue post qualification and awarded the contract when they accepted belatedly the Environment Compliance Certificate, one of the required eligibility documents, from the joint venture.

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