MILF denies war rumor

MANILA, Philippines - The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) yesterday denied that it is bracing for all-out war in the event Congress fails to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL).

MILF chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal labeled those spreading rumors about a possible all-out war as “warmongers.” 

“That is not true. That’s the handiwork of people who have nothing else to do,” Iqbal said in a press briefing.

“It’s just pure and simple act of warmongers, and it never emanated from the MILF,” he added.

Reports said the MILF Central Committee has issued an advisory calling on its members to prepare for a “secret all-out war” because the government is set to junk the BBL.

The MILF allegedly warned its members that government forces would soon enter its communities to carry out the policy.

Emmanuel Fontanilla and Absalom Cerveza, spokespersons for the rival Moro National Liberation Front faction led by Nur Misuari, have been announcing since Tuesday to different media outfits in Metro Manila that MNLF leaders had received an official communiqué from the MILF urging them to be ready for war if the draft BBL is shelved by lawmakers as a consequence of the Jan. 25 encounter between policemen and Muslim rebels in Mamasapano, Maguindanao.

“It started as a text message spread by warmongers. It is not true that we have sent them such hostile advisories as they claim,” Iqbal said.

Cerveza claimed the war advisory was an internal memorandum of the MILF central committee that was passed on to MNLF commanders in Central Mindanao.

“The notice was intended for MILF field commanders (that was) relayed to our group in Mindanao,” Cerveza said.

“We were told the advisory was coming from MILF central committee but they shared it with MNLF so that we can refer,” he said.

Cerveza said the massive deployment of government forces in Central Mindanao is an indication that an all-out war is in the offing.

“I am warning the government that any military action would trigger automatic  alliance among all armed groups in Mindanao,” he said.

MNLF Islamic Command Council chairman Habi Mudjahab Hashim said Misuari issued an order to his followers to prepare for any eventuality should the peace process fail.

He added Misuari also directed his leaders to prepare against any plan of the government to launch an all- out war with the MILF in the fallout over the Mamasapano incident.

On the other hand, the MILF said an “orchestrated, well-oiled spoiling” is behind the recent attacks against the peace process, particularly on the proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) now pending before Congress.

In an editorial posted on its website, MILF said the timing of the operation in Mamasapano was “flawed.” – With John Unson, Roel Pareño, Eva Visperas

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