PNoy heckled at Columbia University

An activist interrupts President Benigno Aquino III during a forum at the Columbia University in New York. RTVM Screengrab

MANILA, Philippines — President Benigno Aquino III was heckled by activists during a forum at the Columbia University in New York.

Aquino was answering a question regarding extrajudicial killings in the Philippines when he was interrupted by a male activist.

"It's a slap on the face of the Filipino people for you to stand there and talk about that a killing is a killing," the activist said.

A female activist also stood up and started shouting.

"There are more questions coming from the Filipino people that aren't being answered. There are so many things that are happening," she said.

"I looked up to your mother. I am a Filipino woman and I saw her as a hero, a modern day hero. And what do you do? You want a Charter change to extend your presidency?" the activist added. "Now I see the realities of what your family has done. I have been to Hacienda Luisita."

She also shouted "Shame on you!" and chanted "No justice! No peace! Stop the killings in the Philippines!" while being escorted out of the event venue.

Aquino remained composed as he continued responding to the other questions from the audience.

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