First Pinay Special Olympics envoy dines with Obama, introduces Katy Perry

Filipina Special Olympics ambassador Brina Kei Maxino speaks at the White House dinner hosted President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama on Thursday, July 31, 2014 (EDT). White House Live/screenshot

MANILA, Philippines — The first Filipina to represent the Asia Pacific region in the Special Olympics Global Youth Activation Summit was invited to have dinner with US President Barack Obama on Friday (Manila time).

In his remarks for the night, Obama lauded Brina Kei Maxino for her accomplishments despite her young age and disability.

"Today, in more than 170 countries, Special Olympians are athletes of all kinds — skiers and speed skaters, sailors, cyclists, equestrians and judo masters.  They make extraordinary contributions to their communities.  And I’m proud to highlight a few of them here tonight," Obama said.

"Brina Kei Maxino represented the Asia-Pacific region at the Special Olympics Global Youth Activation Summit when she was 16 years old.  She was the first Filipina and the first teenager with Down syndrome to do that so let’s give Brina a big round of applause. Yay, Brina," the president said.

Maxino wore a red terno for the Special Olympics Dinner Celebration, also graced by First Lady Michelle Obama.

Speaking alongside other accomplished individuals with disabilities on stage shortly after dinner, Maxino expressed her hopes for the country to become more understanding and inclusive.

"People in the Philippines do not know special kids like me," Maxino said.

"They are scared of us, they ridicule us and they bully us. I do our campaign and organize Unified Generation activities for people to respect us and to accept us and to love us," Maxino added, referring to the Special Olympics campaign against inactivity, intolerance and injustice toward young people.

"I am changing [my country] and we are creating the language of a unified generation," she said.

Maxino was also tasked to introduce pop star Katy Perry, among the performers for the night.

Katy Perry performs at the White House-hosted dinner for the Special Olympics on Thursday, July 31, 2014 (EDT). White House Live/screenshot

The Special Olympics Committee has described Maxino as someone "making history" all on her own.

Brina’s abilities and skills today have surpassed the expectations of doctors and therapists, who had very low expectations for Brina soon after she was born. Years later, a psychologist told Brina's parents that their daughter would find it hard simply to finish elementary school. But Brina does not give up. She is now in her fourth year in a mainstream high school, passing each level without failing grades. For over a year, she has been working part-time in her former grade school as an office assistant, with competent computer skills. She bowls as well.

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