Dismissed NBI deputies challenged to file cases in court

Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio ColomaJr.

MANILA, Philippines - Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma, Jr. on Thursday challenged the two dismissed deputy directors of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to file cases against those who they think have ties to alleged pork barrel scam mastermind Janet Lim-Napoles instead of 'diverting' the issue.

Coloma said dismissed NBI deputy directors Ruel Lasala and Reynaldo Esmeralda should present pieces of evidence supporting their claims instead of speculations.

“Siguro po mas mainam kung meron talaga silang kongkretong pinanghahawakan sa halip na magsalaysay ng maraming kuwento. Maghain na lamang sila ng kaso kung meron talaga silang pinanghahawakan,”  Coloma said.

Lasala presented a closed-circuit television footage showing Napoles visiting NBI Director Nonnatus Rojas in his office last year. Esmeralda also said Napoles also met two unnamed NBI officials who he said were “close to the secretary of justice” in a five-star hotel and a restaurant.

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