Gov't cautions public on peanut products with cancer-causing toxin

MANILA, Philippines (Xinhua) - The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today warned the public to be wary of several pre-packaged peanut products as these were found to contain aflatoxin, a by-product of molds.

In its latest advisory, the FDA said several imported and locally-manufactured pre-packaged peanut products it tested contained levels of aflatoxin B1 that is beyond the acceptable limit of 20 parts per billion.

The FDA said aflatoxin is a by-product of molds that could grow on peanuts if they are not properly dried, causing them to rot.

Although aflatoxin makes peanuts taste bitter, the FDA said some unscrupulous food processors or peanut vendors simply mix bad peanuts with good ones rather than throw them out.

The FDA said with prolonged cell exposure, aflatoxin causes mutation of the cell DNA, increasing the risk of developing cancer cells.

To reduce the risk to the public, the agency said it will conduct systematic audit of manufacturers for their compliance with good manufacturing standards.  


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