AFP to offer free viewing of Pacquio-Rios right

MANILA, Philippines - The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) will offer free viewing of the bout of Army reserve officer Manny Pacquiao on Sunday to boost the morale of its soldiers.

The bout will be shown live at the AFP Wellness Center and AFP Medical Center in Camp Aguinaldo, a memorandum by the Office of the Chief Special Service furnished to the media yesterday showed.

“The free showing of the bout aims to uplift the morale and the welfare of our soldiers and their dependents,” Cpt. Mark Posadas, research head of the AFP Public Affairs Office, said.

Posadas said about 1,300 people are expected to watch the boxing match at the AFP Wellness Center while 1,000 others may do the same at AFP Medical Center in V. Luna, Quezon City.

He gave assurance that the live streaming of the bout between Pacquiao and American boxer Brandon Rios would not affect the relief efforts for typhoon victims.

“Foreign military guests who are here are also invited (to watch the fight),” Posadas said.

The Army, Pacquiao’s mother unit, will also offer free viewing in three venues.

Army civil-military operations group chief Col. Arnulfo Burgos Jr. said the bout will be shown at the Army Officers Clubhouse, Non-Commissioned Officers Clubhouse and Army General Hospital all in Fort Bonifacio. These venues can accommodate more than 1,000 viewers.

As of yesterday, three Navy units announced plans to provide live streaming of the match namely Naval Forces West in Palawan, Naval Forces Southern Luzon in Albay and the Philippine Fleet in Cavite.

There is no word yet as to whether the Air Force will offer live streaming of the boxing match.

Pacquiao, an Army reservist with the rank of lieutenant colonel, will be facing Rios in Macau Sunday morning (Philippine time) for the World Boxing Organization International Welterweight title.

Pacquiao is seeking to redeem his pride after back-to-back losses from boxers Timothy Bradley and Juan Manuel Marquez

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