Health community mourns former DOH chief’s death

MANILA, Philippines - The health community is mourning the death of former Health Secretary Alberto “Quasi” Romualdez Jr. who had spent his life championing public health.

In a statement, Health Secretary Enrique Ona said Romualdez’s passing at age 72 is a big loss to public health sector.

“He will be sorely missed as our ally in championing reforms, especially in health issues such as reproductive health, cheaper medicine, and tobacco control,” he said.

Romualdez was appointed head of the Department of Health on Sept. 11, 1998 by then president Joseph Estrada.

He, however, stepped down when the Estrada administration was toppled at the height of EDSA Dos three years later amid corruption charges.

Benjamin de Leon, president of Forum for Family Planning and Development, said Romualdez, the group’s vice president, was a “champion of many advocacies on public health.”

“We are still in a state of disbelief. We lost one of the champions of universal health care, pillar of strength and inspiration in the fight for the RH bill until it became a statute of the land.”

De Leon said Romualdez’s dream for every Filipino was for them to have “universal access to quality health services.”

“He understands with passion how millions are unable to receive quality medical care because they could not afford it. He fights for what he believes is right and is ready to cross swords even with the Catholic Church be it in his columns, in the media and other public fora. Indeed he was statesman of the highest order,” De Leon said.          

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