Noy: APEC, Asean trips successful

MANILA, Philippines - President Aquino described his recent attendance at the summits of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Bali, Indonesia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in Bandar Seri Begawan in Brunei as successful, significant and productive.

In his arrival speech Thursday night at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport Terminal 2 in Pasay City, he said that the Philippines under his leadership is no longer regarded as the sick man of Asia as most of his counterparts are in awe of how the country managed to recover, or what he called the country’s “positive transformation.”

Aquino also disclosed that he showed chief executive officers of foreign firms at the APEC Summit how his administration took pains to push the economy forward and put it where it is now, which is among the most stable in the region.

“Our stable economy is anchored on good, transparent and focused governance, and one that is not abusive of its powers that is solely focused on taking care of its citizens,” he said.

Deputy presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said Aquino’s attendance at the APEC and ASEAN summits had further enhanced the Philippines’ economic, regional and diplomatic relations with its neighbors.

“It’s a good way for other leaders of other nations to hear personally from the President where he wants to take the country in a particular direction, and not just read from media reports,” she told a news briefing.

She said that it’s very important that other leaders get to see each other and to discuss among themselves, especially when it comes to common issues that are being confronted by their countries.

“And it’s also for relationship building with other countries in the sense that if the leaders know each other or have personally communicated, or if they have a relationship, should an issue arise in the future, it would be easier for both leaders to discuss because they already know each other and have a personal relationship,” she said.


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