Naval forces in Mindanao kick off maritime exercises

MANILA, Philippines - Naval forces and reservists in Western Mindanao kicked off on Tuesday a maritime exercise that aims to enhance their interoperability during emergency situations.

The exercise, dubbed as Pagsasama 2013, will be held from July 17 to 22 in the Basilan Strait and Sulu Sea.

A total of 133 Navy reservists and affiliated reserve units and 470 regular personnel participate in the drills.

The Navy said the scenario-driven activity was designed to test the readiness and interoperability of reservists and reserve units with the regular forces.

The six-day exercise also aims to train reserve forces in naval operations, maritime security, interagency cooperation and mission planning.

“Exercise Pagsasama seeks to enhance competencies and capabilities of participating units and to further strengthen camaraderie among participating personnel,” the Naval Forces Western Command said in a statement.

“The annual exercise highlights the commitment of the Navy to protect the country from lawless maritime elements and pave the way towards peace and development,” it added.

The event was organized by the Naval Forces Western Command in coordination with the Naval Reserve Command and the Fleet-Marine Ready Force.

Among the drills to be conducted are the maritime interdiction operation exercise and gunnery exercise and amphibious operations.

The event will also involve exchanges of expertise, refresher trainings, and civil-military operations.

This year’s Pagsasama exercise is the fourth of its series that aims to boost the relationship between the reserve and regular forces. Similar drills were held in the Visayas in 2010, Northern Luzon in 2011, and Eastern Mindanao in 2012.

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