16 Pinoys join PETA’s sexiest vegetarian celebrity contest

MANILA, Philippines - Sixteen Filipino celebrities have joined the annual sexiest vegetarian celebrity contest of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and will compete with international celebrities that include former US President Bill Clinton, rock and roll legend Paul McCartney and actress Anne Hathaway.

Prominent personalities worldwide are vying for this year’s Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity of PETA that will be decided through online voting.

Asian voters could log on to PETAAsiaPacific.com to cast their vote for their favorite vegetarian celebrities.

In a statement, PETA said the online voting runs until June 18 and the organizers will announce the winners, one male and one female, the following day.

The winners will be judged based on the number of votes they received and other factors.

The Filipino celebrities participating in the contest are FHM magazine cover girls Alicia Mayer, Amanda Griffin Jacob, and Geneva Cruz; models Sandra Seifert, Julia Sniegowski, and Raya Mananquil; actresses Chin-Chin Gutierrez, Maricel Laxa-Pangilinan, Isabel Roces, Juliana Palermo, and Yasmien Kurdi; actors Raymond Bagatsing and Rocco Nacino; musicians Lougee Basabas, Nityalila Saulo, and Cynthia Alexander.

Apart from Clinton, McCartney and Hathaway, other prominent international celebrities include singer Jason Mraz, talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, and actors Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire and Jared Leto.

PETA said more and more celebrities are changing their lifestyles and eating habits by becoming vegetarians because they have realized that healthy vegetarian meals could help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and strokes.

Meat-eaters are reportedly nine times more likely to be obese than vegans, making a vegetarian diet the easiest way to stay slim and sexy.

“When you look at the gorgeous celebrities in this year’s contest, it’s clear that eating vegetarian meals makes you beautiful inside and out,” says PETA Asia vice president of international operations Jason Baker.

Baker added, “After all, going vegetarian is the best thing that you can do for animals, the earth, and yourself. Plus, everyone knows that there’s nothing sexier than someone who exudes both passion and compassion.”

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