Mayor assures Pinoys in Taiwan of safety

MANILA, Philippines - The mayor of Kaosiung City, Taiwan has assured Filipino workers there of their safety amid the furor over the killing of a Taiwanese fisherman off Batanes.

A report on ABS-CBN news online said Mayor Chen Chu went to a church in Kaohsiung City on Sunday to deliver a message to the Filipino community before mass started.

It was said to be the first time a local government official met with Filipinos in Taiwan after the incident.

The report said the mayor told Filipino workers in Taiwan that she instructed the police to secure them. Chen said she also instructed the Bureau of Labor Affairs to hold consultations and check the condition of workers in factories and dormitories.

Chen said the local government is ready to address any concerns of Filipino workers, the report added.

“The law is fair not only for the people of Taiwan but also its residents,” Myra Wang, an interpreter quoted Chen as telling the Filipino workers.

“Before God, let us pray that this problem will be over soon,” the mayor said.

The report said Filipino workers in Taiwan are happy with the mayor’s message as they need not fear going out.

Filipino workers in Taiwan were earlier advised to stay indoors and limit their movement to ensure their safety in the face of anti-Filipino sentiment among Taiwanese.

The report said Filipinos in Taipei were able to hold a Santacruzan. However, unlike in previous years, the procession was held inside the church.

The labor department said there are 85,185 Filipino workers in Taiwan, a vast majority of them in the manufacturing sector.

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