Comelec sees influx of poll protests

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Elections (Comelec) is expecting a number of losing local candidates to file electoral protest cases.

Betty Pizana, Comelec Electoral Contests for Adjudication Department (ECAD) director, said her office received a total of 96 electoral protests in the 2010 elections.

“In this election, we see a surge in cases, although there were very few glitches in the PCOS,” she said, referring to the precinct count optical scan machines used for voting

Saga Mabaning, ECAD Judicial Record Division chief, said a candidate needs to prepare at least half a million pesos to file a protest case before the Comelec.

“Election lawyers usually ask for P500,000 initial payment aside from P5,000 every hearing,” he said.                                     

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