Divers still banned from going near Tubbataha grounding site

MANILA, Philippines - Divers were still banned from getting near the grounding site of the USS Guardian in the Tubbataha Reefs.

Angelique Songco, chief of the Tubbataha Management Office (TMO) , said that divers were still banned from two of the 15 diving sites in the reefs because salvage crews were still clearing debris from the stricken vessel at the grounding site.

Songco said that the grounding site of the USS Guardian will be cleared as representatives from the University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute will assess the damage caused by the USS Guardian on the reef.

She said that additional scientists will join the assessment team during a second visit on April 8.

She said that the second visit aims to establish a monitoring protocol and determine a restoration plan for the damaged reef.

Philippine Coast Guard Palawan District head Commodore Enrico Evangelista, meanwhile, said that they may meet with Philippine scientists and US Navy marine biologists for the reef's rehabilitation.

The TMO initially estimated that 4,000 square meters of the reef were damaged by the grounding of the USS Guardian last January 17.

Under Republic Act 10067 or the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Act of 2009, a fine of about $300 or P12,000 per square meter is mandatory, plus another $300 or so per square meter for rehabilitation efforts. If the damaged area covers 4,000 square meters, total fines might exceed $5 million or P200 million.

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