Binay insists UNA a ‘new kind of opposition’

MANILA, Philippines - Vice President Jejomar Binay yesterday said the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) is a new kind opposition engaged in “new politics.”

Binay, one of the members of the three-man executive committee of UNA, took exception to the recent statement of President Aquino warning the public against fake alliances.

“For me, the President was not referring to us. I am a member of the Cabinet and I have been supportive of the President’s programs,” he said.

“No mudslinging. This is new politics because not all that the administration is doing are wrong, not all that the administration is doing are right. Why would we support if it is wrong? If time comes that something is lacking, then make the suggestion to add,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Vice President said he was elated over reports that his children are doing better as public officials.

“Modesty aside, the son is better than the father and he is doing great as mayor. My daughter has done many things. I don’t understand why those qualified will not be allowed to get positions because they are relatives of politicians,” Binay said, referring to his son and namesake Makati Mayor Junjun Binay and his daughter Makati Rep. Abigail Binay.

His daughter Nancy is also running for senator under UNA in the May elections and had a good showing in the latest Pulse Asia survey.

He said the high rating received by Nancy in the recent survey indicates her strong foundation in public service.

Binay said Nancy was his personal assistant in Pag-Ibig, National Housing Authority (NHA), and even during the early part of his vice presidency.

“Her advocacy is the youth. But when we go to the issue of dynasty, I will repeatedly say why a qualified candidate cannot be elected in a clean and honest election because she or he is related to a well-known name in politics,” he said.

He also hit detractors who accuse him of creating a political dynasty, saying it has never been an issue in other countries and is associated with violence.

“In other countries, like the Kennedys of the US and the Gandhis of India, political dynasty has never been an issue. For as long as the candidate is qualified, regardless of their surnames, they must be given a chance to serve,” Binay said.



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