CBCP lawyer's son petitions RH law before SC

Lawyer Jo Imbong, counsel of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Her son filed the first petition against the Reproductive Health law signed by President Aquino late December 2012. Image lifted from Facebook


MANILA, Philippines - A son of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines' (CBCP) legal counsel on Wednesday petitioned the Supreme Court (SC) to stop the implementation of the controversial Reproductive Health (RH) law signed by President Aquino late last year.

James Imbong, son of CBCP legal counsel Jo Imbong, filed a petition for certiorari and injunction against the imposition of the RH law.

The younger Imbong was accompanied by his mother at the SC building in Manila.

In the petition, the younger Imbong argued that Congress has exceeded its legislative powers and violated the basic principles of the Constitution by pushing the passage of the RH law.

The petitioner also alleged that President Aquino violated the law when he signed a "policy that negates and frustrates basic Constitutional principles."

The elder Imbong, meanwhile, said in a radio interview that more petitions will be filed by several groups against the RH law in the coming days.

The CBCP is one of the staunch oppositors of the passage of the RH bill in Congress, saying it is virtually legalizing abortion.

Supporters of the law, meanwhile, believe that the RH law would ensure universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care.

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