Phl ups corruption perception ranking

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines improved its standing in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) this year by moving up 24 points, from 129th place in 2011 to 105th.

Results released yesterday showed that with a score of 34, the Philippines is tied with Algeria, Armenia, Bolivia, Gambia, Kosovo, Mali, and Mexico.

Transparency International said it has updated the methodology for the CPI, which is now presented on a scale from zero for highly corrupt to 100 that means very clean.

Records showed that the Philippines also jumped five notches in 2011 at 129th place from 134th in 2010, the year when President Aquino was elected into office.

The 2012 CPI said Denmark, Finland, and New Zealand were tied at the top with a score of 90, followed by Sweden with 88, Singapore with 87, Switzerland with 86, Australia with 85, and Norway also with 85.

The United States ranked 19th with 73 points while China ranked 82nd with a score of 39 among 176 countries and territories covered by the corruption perception survey, now on its 18th year.

Tied at the bottom three of this year’s list, posting similar scores of only eight CPI points, were Afghanistan, North Korea, and Somalia.

Transparency International said the survey is anchored on perceived levels of public sector corruption, with the index drawing on 13 surveys covering expert assessments and surveys of business people.

The CPI is the leading indicator of public sector corruption, offering a yearly snapshot of the relative degree of the corruption problem by ranking countries worldwide.

In the 2012 CPI, the group said Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tie for first because of strong access to information systems and rules governing the behavior of those in public positions.

Transparency International said Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia once again are in the bottom of the index because of the countries’ lack of accountable leadership and effective public institutions that underscore the need to take a much stronger stance against corruption.

Underperformers in the CPI 2012 also include the Eurozone countries most affected by the financial and economic crisis.

Transparency International said it has consistently warned Europe to address corruption risks in the public sector to tackle the financial crisis, calling for strengthened efforts to corruption-proof public institutions.

“Corruption is the world’s most talked about problem,” stated Cobus de Swardt, managing director of Transparency International.

“The world’s leading economies should lead by example, making sure that their institutions are fully transparent and their leaders are held accountable,” he added.

“This is crucial since their institutions play a significant role in preventing corruption from flourishing globally,” De Swardt said.

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