Binay: After Corona, I'm next target of demolition team

MANILA, Philippines - Vice President Jejomar Binay believes the people that worked to oust Renato Corona as chief justice and tried to remove Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile are behind the “demolition job” against him.

Speaking over radio dzRH, Binay said Enrile had informed him that the demolition team first tried to remove him, then ousted Corona, and the next will be Binay.            

“Senate President Enrile told me that he really heard about the campaign to destroy us,” he said. “They are targeting the three of us. They tried to oust Senate President Enrile and they are determined to remove him.”             

Binay said the demolition team failed to remove Enrile so they proceeded to oust Corona through impeachment.             

“Now, I am the next, the third one,” he said. “I am the only one left among the three. The demolition against me are already programmed.”            

Binay questioned the people who leaked the information that the Commission on Audit is investigating him when it was supposed to be confidential.    

 “All the investigations in COA are supposed to be confidential,” he said. “But someone released the information and leaked it to the media.”          

Binay said COA is targeting him, not his son, Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay Jr.            

“They claimed, through the reports in newspapers, that there is an investigation against the hostel, which is my project,” he said. “I am not assailing COA, it is their job. What I am questioning is the release of such information to the newspaper. Some of the charges against me were dismissed during the administration of (former President) Gloria Arroyo.”             

Binay said when he was mayor of Makati, a series of investigations was conducted against him and eventually many of the cases were dismissed.        

“When I was still mayor of Makati, Malacañang has been furious against me,” he said. “Investigation upon investigation had been conducted against me.”

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