China dangles funds to Cambodia?

MANILA, Philippines - China is generally believed to have used money in exchange for the non-issuance of a joint communique at the 45th Association of Southeast Asian Nations Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, which was unprecedented in the regional bloc’s 45 year of existence.

A GMA online report said Foreign Affairs Undersecretary for Policy Erlinda Basilio claimed yesterday that China was behind Cambodia’s decision not to issue a joint statement.

The communiqué was supposed to include a reference to the recent standoff between the Philippines and China in Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal, also called Bajo de Masinloc, in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea) claimed by both countries.

“They showered or promised them a lot of money. There are maritime cooperation fund, construction fund, connectivity fund and other things being offered to them,” Basilio said in an interview over GMA News TV’s “News To Go.”

The senior DFA offi cial said China was clearly “testing the resolve” of the regional bloc when Cambodia, the ASEAN chair, opposed the discussion of Panatag Shoal issue and its inclusion in the joint communiqué.

She said the Philippines would not about to back down in the dispute with China.

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