'Absence of successful prosecution highlights problems on unexplained killings'

MANILA, Philippines - The New York-based Human Rights Watch yesterday said that the absence of successful prosecution of human rights violations highlights the broader problems on extra-judicial killings facing the Aquino administration.

Although it recognized that conviction of human rights abusers rests with the courts, Elaine Pearson, Asia Division deputy director of Human Rights Watch, said most cases of serious human rights violations do not even make it to trial.

She said the police fail to follow up and actually arrest suspects while the military continues to obstruct investigations.

It cited the case of retired General Jovito Palparan. “We praised the administration for bringing charges, but this is not enough to bring him to custody so that he can receive a fair trial.”

“There’s a lot more that President Aquino can do to address the barriers to successful prosecutions,” Pearson said.

According to Pearson, the President should order the National Bureau of Investigation to investigate police and military personnel who have been implicated in the killings.

Aquino was urged to order the military to cooperate with civilian authorities investigating military abuses or face sanctions.

Immediate steps should also be taken by the President to ensure that the government’s witness protection program is independent, accessible, and properly funded.

Since he assumed office two years ago, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday that Aquino has not fulfilled his promise to hold accountable the security forces responsible for serious abuses.

Human Rights Watch said the Aquino government has not successfully prosecuted a single case of extrajudicial killing or enforced disappearance, including those committed during his presidency.

The group released a video, “Philippines: No Justice for Victims of Enforced Disappearances,” in which family members of the “disappeared” called on the President to live up to his promise of justice.                                 

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