What is hypoglycemia?

MANILA, Philippines - “Hypoglycemia” became a buzzword during the Senate impeachment trial of Chief Justice Renato Corona last Tuesday after he walked out of the trial, with his lawyers and supporters claiming that he was suffering from the medical condition.

Anthony Leachon, a consultant of the Department of Health for non-communicable diseases, explained that hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, is experienced by people with diabetes.

“You can develop hypoglycemia if your blood sugar level is below 70 milligrams (per deciliter). If your glucose goes down further, you can experience dizziness and loss of consciousness,” Leachon said.

As first aid, he said “any food or beverage with sugar, or candies or juice,” can be given to someone who is suffering from hypoglycemia.

Leachon noted having chronic hypoglycemia could affect the brain with a condition called “neuroglycopenia.” If the glucose level goes very low, it can lead to coma.

The doctor refused to speculate on Corona’s hypoglycemia but said that “speaking for three hours” without taking any food or drink plus emotional stress can really consume the sugar in one’s body.

He said that if Corona had taken his anti-diabetic medicine, it was really possible for his glucose level to go down.

The online dictionary Medline Plus of the United States National Library of Medicine said that hypoglycemia is characterized by “double or blurry vision, fast or pounding heartbeat, feeling cranky or acting aggressive, feeling nervous, headache, hunger, shaking or trembling, sleeping trouble, sweating, tingling or numbness of the skin, tiredness or weakness and unclear thinking.”

“Sometimes your blood sugar may be too low, even if you do not have symptoms. If your blood sugar gets too low, you may faint, have a seizure and go into coma,” the website showed.

In an interview with ANC, Philippine Heart Center cardiologist Dr. Ludgerio Torres said he admired Corona’s “guts for undergoing three rigorous hours” at the witness stand.

He cautioned Corona about resuming testimony on Friday.

“It is not advisable for Corona to testify on Friday due to medical condition. When he developed hypoglycemia, Corona must be at a level of incoherence,” he said.

The doctor added that impeachment court presiding judge Juan Ponce Enrile must think twice before putting Corona on the dock again because “he might lose his life... (and) that will again be full of emotions.”

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