Navy launches 'Kariton Revolution' today

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Navy, in partnership with CNN’s 2009 Hero of the Year Efren Peñaflorida, will launch the “Kariton Revolution” in Cavite City today.

A ship of the Navy will be filled with a kariton (pushcart) containing various educational materials, said Lt. Jg. Augustus Caesar Barcades, spokesman for the Philippine Fleet, the main fighting arm of the Navy based at Sangley Point in Cavite City.

Barcades said the undertaking is aimed at bringing education to the street children in the province.

“Kariton revolution is also being launched in coordination with the City Tourism Council, the government of Cavite City and the Cavite City Department of Education,” Barcades said.

Peñaflorida earned the coveted CNN Hero of the Year award for his untiring desire to bring education to street children using his pushcart filled with books and other forms of educational materials in Cavite.

Barcades said that aside from providing the youth an alternative to gang membership through education, the project also intends to revolutionize the spirit of volunteerism.

Today’s activities will first start inside the school compound of the city’s Ladislao Elementary School, Barcades said.

He said 20 Philippine Fleet personnel have already constructed a wooden cart and have packed this with books, miniatures and other educational materials.

Like Peñaflorida, Navy men will be teaching street children, especially on topics about the Philippine Navy.

Barcades said this project is in line with the Philippine Fleet’s thrust to promote the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ concept on the Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP).

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