'GMA can't evade poll fraud case'

MANILA, Philippines - Commission on Elections (Comelec) Chairman Sixto Brillantes yesterday expressed confidence that former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will not be able to evade the electoral sabotage cases against her even if she leaves the country.

Brillantes said he agreed with Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago that the government could have her deported if she goes to a country without an extradition treaty with the Philippines if she is proven guilty of the charges.

Aside from this, the poll chief noted that Arroyo’s health condition would prevent her from giving the government a runaround abroad.

“We saw her physical condition. Where can she hide anywhere in the world?” he said in an interview on the sidelines of the “Integrity Summit” organized yesterday by the Comelec.

Brillantes added that the Comelec is more concerned if the Supreme Court (SC) would issue a temporary restraining order (TRO) against the joint Comelec and the Department of Justice panel that is investigating the cheating in the 2007 polls.

“If the SC issues a TRO, then the panel would stop the investigation. We cannot come up with any resolution,” he said.

Former first gentleman Mike Arroyo has petitioned the SC to declare as unconstitutional the panel investigating the Arroyo couple of rigging the 2007 elections in favor of the administration’s senatorial bets.

The summit was organized to refresh Comelec officials and personnel on the value of integrity. The poll body had invited representatives from groups like the National Citizen’s Movement for Free Election and Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting to the event.

Comelec spokesman James Jimenez said the agency hopes to instill integrity in the consciousness of poll officials and personnel in preparation for the 2013 polls.

He added that the summit complements efforts of the Comelec to prosecute poll cheaters to ensure a clean and honest midterm election in 2013.

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