Military Court of Inquiry report on Al-Barka clash out soon

MANILA, Philippines - The Military Court of Inquiry tasked to look into the possible blunder committed by military commanders in the Al-Barka, Basilan clash that left 19 soldiers dead has been given a three-week deadline to submit the results of its investigation.

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesman Col. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos said AFP chief of staff Gen. Eduardo Oban Jr. wants the probe done in three weeks.

“The chief of staff wanted the probe body to submit its recommendation so that he could take appropriate actions before he retires,” Burgos said.

Oban is set to retire on Dec. 13 this year.

The AFP leadership ordered an investigation following the killing of 19 soldiers by members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Al-Barka last Oct. 18.

The investigating body is headed by AFP Inspector General Maj. Gen. Ireneo Espino.

The AFP-IG has wrapped up its investigation but the military leadership declined to make the report public.

The MCI is headed by Commodore Crispin Mercado of the AFP’s Office of the Inspector General with four other senior military officers as members.

Burgos said that some officers in the Al-Barka operations may face possible court martial proceedings.

“There might be lapses but let us wait for the findings and recommendations of the probe body,” Burgos said.

He said if there were officers who could be held accountable for the Al-Barka blunder, it would be the ground commanders. 

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