'P-Noy in dilemma over gay marriage issue'

NEW YORK (via PLDT) – While expressing openness to gay marriage, President Aquino said on Tuesday he is in a “dilemma” over allowing gay couples to adopt children.

In an open forum after his speech before the Asia Society, Aquino said marriage is a “choice” consenting gay adults can always make “so long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else.” He was initially reluctant to answer questions on gay marriage raised by Asia Society’s Vishakha Desai but eventually relented.

“But if the next step is we want the right to adopt, then, I would be in a dilemma. As to whether or not the child that will grow up in this world with a lot of problems would also have to from the get-go address that particular issue also at a very young age,” he said. Aquino’s response drew laughter and applause from the audience.

Aquino comes from a pedigreed family and is a product of the Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila.

“I’m not sure, my priority would be looking after the child who has a very tender and impressionable mind,” he said.

At least 85 percent of the 95 million Filipinos belong to the Roman Catholic Church, which still wields enormous political influence. The Philippines is one of only two states in the world that do not allow divorce.

Gay marriage has been growing in acceptance around the world, with New York state legalizing same-sex unions in July. No Asian nation allows gay marriage, although proposals have made headway in Nepal and Taiwan.

The Philippines has a vibrant gay scene despite a macho culture and opposition from the Roman Catholic Church. The Philippines has an official gay political party called Ladlad and in 1994 was the site of Asia’s first gay pride march.

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