'Defense treaty cornerstone of US-Phl ties'

MANILA, Philippines -  Washington said yesterday the Philippines-US Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) still serves as the cornerstone of the relationship between the two countries and a source of stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

In a statement on the 60th anniversary of the treaty, US State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said the US alliance with the Philippines continues to grow in the 21st century as the two countries chart a new vision for critical partnership, in the defense realm and beyond.

“Whether we are working together to combat extremism, help victims of natural disasters, or stand up for human rights, the people of our countries share a mutual desire to build a better world for future generations,” Nuland said.

She said the Philippines and the US share a deep and abiding friendship forged in a history of common sacrifice.

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) acknowledged that the MDT has served as the anchor of enduring defense alliance.

“In the past six decades, we find that our defense alliance with the United States continues to evolve to become more effective in responding to emerging global challenges in the region such as terrorism, piracy, man-made and natural disasters, maritime security, transnational crimes and threats to freedom in navigation,” the DFA said.

“The United States is the only treaty ally of the Philippines. We are confident that our relations, based on a deep affinity between our peoples and shared democratic values, will continue to broaden to meet the challenges of a changing global landscape,” the DFA said. – Pia Lee Brago, Alexis Romero

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