'Relations with Japan stable'

MANILA, Philippines - Malacañang yesterday said that Philippine relations with Japan remain stable despite the resignation of Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan.

In an interview over government-run radio dzRB, presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said the Philippines would just await the election of the new Japanese leader and the “work continues.”

“Our relations with Japan is very stable, we have a very competent and able ambassador there so our ties with Japan will just continue,” he said.

The Aquino government, through Philippine Ambassador to Japan Manuel Lopez, reassured the Japanese government that the multifaceted cooperative relationship between the two countries will continue.

“Apart from the resignation of their prime minister, the work continues, the relationship continues and we see no change in the relations between Japan and the Philippines,” Lacierda said.

Kan on Friday announced his resignation as party leader during a meeting with members of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan.

The Japanese leader quit amid criticisms that he failed to show leadership after a devastating earthquake and tsunami struck Japan last March, and the ensuing nuclear crisis.

The party will elect next week a new leader who will take over as Japan’s prime minister. 

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