UST's largest human cross makes Guinness record

MANILA, Philippines - The pontifical University of Santo Tomas (UST) recently made it to the Guinness Book of Records for the Largest Human Cross category after 13,266 participants, mostly students, organized themselves last March and formed the Dominican cross.

UST Office of Public Affairs director associate professor Giovanna Fontanilla said Guinness sent a letter dated Aug. 8 confirming that the school has successfully set the new world record for largest human cross.

“Guinness World Records congratulates you on your achievement,” the letter stated.

Guinness added that details of the school’s accomplishment have been entered in its records database.

“The largest human cross was achieved by 13,266 participants at an event organized by the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, Philippines on 9 March 2011,” the Guinness certificate showed.

The official announcement is posted on GWR website

The UST human cross is tagged under “Amazing Feats” and “Mass Participation” categories.

The event was held last Ash Wednesday at the UST grandstand.

It was also meant to convey to the world the university’s pro-life stand amid controversy brought by the Reproductive Health bill issue.

The human cross event at the UST coincided with the Catholic Church’s observance of Ash Wednesday to highlight the message of the Lenten season – a dramatic offering marking the university’s 400th foundation anniversary this year.

Students, faculty members and employees with crosses of ash on their foreheads wore black and white to form the record-breaking human cross – then they kept themselves still and in prayerful silence for 15 minutes.

The iconic black and white cross symbolized the UST’s Catholic and Dominican identity that has made its mark on Philippine history and Christian growth for four centuries now.

Norway previously held the record for the world’s largest human cross with 935 participants at the Oslo Opera House in May 2010.

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