PNP to send more cops to Mindanao vs kidnappers

MANILA, Philippines - More policemen will be sent to urban areas in Mindanao to stop the upsurge of kidnapping incidents.

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Raul Bacalzo said police must ensure public safety in cities in Mindanao.

“We will deploy additional policemen in urban areas of Basilan, while the Armed Forces of the Philippines will handle the situation in rural areas,” he said.

Bacalzo ordered additional policemen in Basilan, Cotabato City, Zamboanga City and Cagayan de Oro following the kidnapping of Adin Yu, a restaurant and bakery owner in Cotabato City.

Records showed Yu was snatched in front of the Estosan Garden Hotel, less than 50 meters from the heavily guarded regional operations compound of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).

The gate to the enclosed ARMM complex is guarded by a platoon of combat-ready policemen from the Regional Mobile Group.

Bacalzo said they plan to set up the PACER (Police Anti-Crime Emergency Response) headquarters in the cities of Zamboanga, Cotabato and Davao. 

“We are also planning to put up satellite in Basilan and Sulu areas,” he said.

Bacalzo said Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo will also mobilize mayors and governors to help police and the military resolve the problem of kidnapping.

“We are planning to meet the mayors and barangay captains in Basilan and Sulu to discuss the problem and to come up with possible solutions,” he said. 

However, Bacalzo said police could not go after kidnappers, who would seek refuge in areas controlled either by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front or Moro National Liberation Front.

“We are coordinating with the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Secretary Teresita Deles to help us in the effort to neutralize groups involved in kidnapping for ransom,” he said.

Robredo said an executive order is being prepared to suspend any “absentee” local government official.

Robredo flew to Basilan to talk with Bishop Martin Jumoad to convey the national government’s concern for the apprehension of Basilan residents over the spate of attacks on civilians.

Robredo was joined by Bacalzo and Armed Forces Western Mindanao Command chief Lt. Gen. Raymundo Ferrer.

Jumoad told Robredo the national government seems to have no presence in Basilan.

“At least they listen to us and definitely Basilan has a place in their hearts,” he said.

Jumoad asked Robredo to impose a gun ban in Basilan to stop street crimes.

Robredo assured Jumoad of police presence in Basilan to resolve the problem of security.

Basilan Gov. Jum Akbar appealed to local governments to closely coordinate with police and the military to arrest the situation.

During his visit to Jolo, Robredo directed the local government officials to commit their presence in municipalities and districts or face administrative sanction.

Robredo told the local government executives during the closed-door meeting at the provincial capitol to ensure that government services reach their constituents. – With Roel Pareño 

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