Noy's love life always good copy, says Carandang

MANILA, Philippines - A member of President Aquino’s Cabinet yesterday advised his boss – albeit indirectly – that his love life will always be good copy, maybe until after he decides to settle down.

“Whether he (Mr. Aquino) likes it or not, the public continues to be interested in his private life,” quipped Secretary Ricky Carandang, in an interview with former Senate president Ernesto Maceda over radio dzRJ.

“As you know, he’s the first bachelor president we’ve had. So I think there’s some fascination or some novelty with that, and I think that will continue, unfortunately for a long time,” the former news anchor predicted.

The secretary of the Presidential Communications Office for Strategic Planning and Development made the remark when asked about the President’s new love interest – stockbroker Len Lopez, whom he brought to the Cabinet’s Dec. 15 Christmas dinner.

“I didn’t talk to her that much. It’s too early to say (how would I rate her). Obviously it’s not for me to judge her. I will steer away from making any rating of Ms. Len Lopez,” Carandang insisted, conscious that he might displease his boss.

When pressed further on his preference between Valenzuela Councilor Shalani Soledad – Aquino’s girlfriend of two years until October – and Lopez, Carandang refused to be caught in a trap.

“You know, to be honest, I didn’t know Shalani. And, as I said, I don’t really know Len Lopez. I saw her once at the Cabinet party but I haven’t spoken to her. Difficult to say, based on the little information I have. Was it a safe answer?” he told Maceda.

Carandang would not also give any idea whether his boss “should or will get married” within his six-year term that ends in June 2016. “That’s completely up to him. It doesn’t matter to me whether he’s married or not. I don’t think it really matters to the public.”

“I think if he did get married though, that a lot about the fascination about his private life would go away and he would be left in peace. Not that I’m suggesting that he get married just to get the paparazzi off his back, but whatever makes the guy happy, it’s fine with me,” he said.

Aquino’s sister, popular TV talk show host Kris, revealed last Dec. 19 at the launching of her movie “Dalaw” at the Trinoma mall in Quezon City, that her only brother had introduced Lopez to her and her other siblings Ballsy, Pinky and Viel.

“I said nice things... so he’ll be happy,” she said after describing Lopez, “I love him so much. I want Noy to be happy.”

“I don’t think he would be mad that I confirmed that he’s dating Len because she’s not a public person. She works in a private industry. In the spirit of Christmas, maybe we could give him the gift of privacy until January,” Ms. Aquino added.

The President’s former date, his stylist Liz Uy, also came to the premiere, but opted to be with her close friend Kris. Observers said she “sneaked into the cinema to avoid any media attention.”

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