Changes in AFP leadership loom with retirement of 2 generals

MANILA, Philippines - Changes in the military leadership are expected anew as two of its key officers are scheduled to retire from the service this month.

Armed Forces of the Philippines spokesman Brig. Gen. Jose Mabanta Jr. said Western Mindanao Command (WESMINCOM) chief Marine Lt. Gen. Ben Dolorfino is scheduled to retire on Nov. 10. while AFP deputy chief for education and training Maj. Gen. Hilario Atendido will also hang up his uniform this month.

Dolorfino is a graduate of Philippine Military Academy class 1976 while Atendido is a member of class ’77.

“Movements because of attrition in the armed forces are normal occurrences. Because of retirement or voluntary resignations, you create vacancies so these need to be filled up,” Mabanta said yesterday. 

“It’s natural for those (officers) below to go up. Due to the forthcoming retirement of General Dolorfino, there will be a lot of upward movements,” he added.

Mabanta said all two-star generals are qualified to succeed Dolorfino, including Rear Adm. Feliciano Angue, who is being investigated for airing his sentiments before the media.

“It can be anyone with a two-star rank... It can be him (Angue), as long as the investigation is done. He cannot assume the position if there is an investigation,” he said. 

Angue has been named Naval Forces Western Mindanao chief but his appointment was deferred pending the probe on his alleged violation against the AFP ethics code.

He had claimed that the promotion system is politicized and that Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin is meddling in the giving of posts.

Meanwhile, a senior military officer said an Army general may succeed Dolorfino in WESMINCOM, an area command usually given to Navy officers.

“I think someone from the Army will be placed there (as WESMINCOM chief),” the source who requested anonymity, told reporters.

The source said Navy or Marine generals are usually tapped to lead WESMINCOM in line with the so-called fleet-marine concept. The concept, which aims to enhance the inter-operability among troops, paved way for the deployment of Marines to Western Mindanao.

“That (appointing an Army general as WESMINCOM chief) would not be good. The Navy and Air Force will just contend for one area command, the WESCOM (Western Command),” the source said.

“If that happens, the Army would corner almost all the area commands, which are breeding grounds of AFP chiefs. It would be unfair for other services of the armed forces.”

The source noted that Marine troops in Basilan, an area of WESMINCOM, are now being deployed to Central Mindanao and will be replaced with Army elite units.

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