Rescue mission on for Japanese

ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines – Government security forces have surrounded an island in the Sulu archipelago where suspected Abu Sayyaf gunmen were holding a Japanese national hostage.

Western Mindanao Command chief Lt. Gen. Benjamin Dolorfino said a naval blockade has been implemented to prevent the kidnappers of Amer Katayama Mamaito from escaping.

Dolorfino said they are still verifying reports that Abu Sayyaf militants kidnapped Mamaito last Friday.

“Our ground troops are still validating if Abu Sayyaf bandits were behind the kidnapping,” Dolorfino said.

“We believe that the kidnappers were a local group and it cannot be ascertained if they are connected with the Abu Sayyaf,” he said.

Dolorfino added they are not sure if Mamaito is a Japanese national since they have not received any confirmation from the Japanese embassy.

Nonetheless, government troops have been ordered to locate Mamaito and launch a rescue operation, Dolorfino said.

“We have already pinpointed the place in one of the islands where the kidnappers are believed to have brought their captive,” Dolorfino said but refused to elaborate further, citing security concerns.

“We are pursuing nearby. I cannot reveal details yet,” he said.

Mamaito, 63, who is reportedly engaged in treasure hunting of sunken Japanese warships, was taken by unidentified gunmen in Pangutaran town last Friday.

Known to locals as “Dr. Amer,” Mamaito has established a clinic and small pharmacy in Sitio Bas in Pangutaran since 2004.

“Our initial information is that he is engaged in treasure hunting and has been living there for the past five years,” Dolorfino said.

“We have received reports that the victim is a doctor and had a clinic in Zamboanga City and eventually transferred his clinic and residence to Pangutaran,” Army spokesman Maj. Ronald Alcudia added.

Sulu deputy police director Chief Inspector Amil Banaan said the area surrounding Pangutaran is a stronghold of Abu Sayyaf militants who have kidnapped foreign tourists and missionaries in the past.

“Our forces are still out and searching for the foreigner. We still have no reports about his whereabouts,” Banaan said.

Sulu provincial police director Senior Superintendent Elmer Escosia said local police units around Sulu were also alerted and are providing information on the possible movement of the kidnappers and their captive. - With Jaime Laude

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