China, Singapore VPs congratulate Binay

MANILA, Philippines - Now it’s his turn.

Vice president-elect Jejomar Binay received yesterday letters of congratulations from several of his foreign counterparts as well as diplomats.

Vice President Xi Jinping of the People’s Republic of China was among the latest to congratulate Binay.

In a letter to Binay, Xi expressed his commitment to work with him and strengthen ties between the two countries.

“I wish to express my commitment to working with you in pushing forward China-Philippines strategic and cooperative relations in a sound and stable manner, and make joint efforts to promote regional peace, stability and development,” Xi said.          

Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Home Affairs Wong Kan Seng and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defense Teo Chee Hean also congratulated Binay, outgoing mayor of Makati City.

The two Singaporean officials also expressed hope that the Philippines and Singapore would have stronger ties under the incoming administration of president-elect Benigno Aquino III.

British Ambassador Stephen Lillie, Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada and Ambassador Makoto Katsura of Japan, Ambassador Liu Jianchao of the People’s Republic of China, Ambassador Luca Fornari of Italy and Ambassador Abdullah Al Hassan of Saudi Arabia also congratulated Binay.

Lillie said he is looking forward to the “continued cooperation and good relations between the Philippines and United Kingdom, based on our shared values of democracy, good governance and sustainable growth.”

Chinese Ambassador Liu cited the “stunning and sustaining growth” Binay has brought to Makati that has become the symbol of prosperity of the Philippines.

“The Chinese government stands ready to work closely with the Philippine government to renew our time-honored friendship and promote our already strong relationship to a new high,” Liu said.

Wong and Teo both expressed hope that the bilateral relationship between the two countries and their close cooperation in ASEAN and other fora will continue to grow stronger under the new administration.

Okada and Katsura of Japan assured Binay of sparing no effort to enhance the strategic partnership between Japan and the Philippines under his guidance and leadership.

Fornari conveyed his wishes for a “serene and fruitful mandate” for Binay and for the prosperity of the Filipino people.

Al Hassan congratulated Binay for “the great trust invested in you by the Filipino people to assume leadership and responsibility in the coming years.”

Binay thanked Xi and all the representatives of various countries who have congratulated him on winning the vice presidency.

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