'NP not source of psychiatric report on Noynoy'

MANILA, Philippines - The Nacionalista Party (NP) yesterday vehemently denied reports that the party was the source of an alleged psychiatric report on Liberal Party standard-bearer Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III.

In a statement, the NP also denounced the use of black propaganda by their opponents in the coming May 10 elections.

“The party believes that there are far more important issues that need to be attended to than resorting to black propaganda,” the NP said.

The three-page alleged psychiatric report supposedly signed by Fr. Carmelo Caluag, SJ was circulated in the Internet. It discussed alleged depression of LP bet Aquino sometime in 1996 that was caused by a breakup with a stewardess-girlfriend.

Aquino, in a television interview, said the report using the letterhead of the Ateneo de Manila Psychology Department was a fabrication aimed at demeaning his person.

In at least three major press conferences in the past week, NP presidential bet Sen. Manuel Villar, vice presidential bet Sen. Loren Legarda and the entire NP slate have condemned the dirty tactics waged by the LP, particularly when they dug up the records of Villar’s dead brother, Danny, who died of complications of leukemia in 1962.

Legarda said she has focused her campaign on issues involving women, senior citizens, agriculture, environment and climate change while her political opponents opted to dish out lies and dirty politics.

NP senatorial bet, Ilocos Norte Rep. Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. reiterated that the discourse should be based on issues and not personal attacks.

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Marcos and Villar met with local NP candidates in Laoag City before going to the Bangui Wind Farm last Tuesday.

The duo then proceeded to the town of Badoc in Ilocos Sur where they were the special guests at the inauguration of the municipal hall.

Former congresswoman Imee Marcos also affirmed the expected solid support of Ilocanos for the NP presidential bet.

“Even when Senator Villar first ran for a senatorial position, the Ilocanos already knew that he is a leader of top caliber. They love him and I am sure that this affection will be expressed in the upcoming polls,” she said.

Villar also supports the candidacy of former first lady Imelda Marcos as congresswoman of Ilocos Norte and Imee Marcos who is running for governor in the province. 

La Union Gov. Manuel Ortega also met with Villar and endorsed his presidential bid. Ortega was a known Lakas stalwart.

NP senatorial candidate Adel Tamano said Aquino stands to benefit from the release of a questionable psychiatric report on the state of his mental health.

In a radio interview, Tamano denied claims that the document came from the NP and said the alleged psychiatric evaluation of the Ateneo de Manila University on Aquino would do more harm than good to NP.

“I think the LP will be the one to benefit” because it would look like the NP was resorting to dirty tricks, he said.

Tamano also said that with rumors that the LP standard-bearer suffers from mental disorder, the release of a questionable psychiatric evaluation report would only “diffuse” the damage when a real and genuine psychiatric report showing Aquino to be mentally unsound indeed comes out later.

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