EcoWaste gives tips for eco-friendly 'Undas'

MANILA, Philippines - For an eco-friendly and practical way to observe All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day, the EcoWaste Coalition yesterday offered 13 simple tips to guide you this week-end.

EcoWaste coordinator Anthony Dizon advised that to avoid being stuck in traffic along roads leading to the cemeteries, people should just take public transportation or carpool to reduce carbon emissions. They could also ride a bicycle or walk all the way to the cemetery.

EcoWaste also does not see the need to light several candles, saying it would be economical to use less and cut down on pollution if only few are lit.

The group also reminded people not to patronize candles with metal wicks because they might contain harmful chemicals such as lead.

Filipinos should also purchase locally-grown fresh flowers because imported ones are costly. Flowers should not be placed in plastic wraps because plastic might only end up clogging the waterways.

Bringing too much food is also a no-no. Aside from being prone to spoilage, it would also entail bigger expenses. EcoWaste also advised cemetery goers to bring their own water placed inside reusable jugs and not plastic bottles. 

“Place all your belongings in a reusable bags and baskets. Instead of using plastic disposable plates, go traditional and use banana leaves. Avoid littering by throwing all the discards into the correct recycling bins or bring them home. The leftover food can be fed to the house pets or compost with other biodegradable waste,” EcoWaste said.

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